A little recap on this week and the last.
Sunday was the Atlanta Comic Convention. Just want to thank everyone who came out to see me and got sketches done. I kick myself for not bringing my camera to take pictures, b/c I did a really cool Harley Quinn, Penguin, and Batgirl. Also, Ive got a Galactus still to do. Georges Jeanty, artist on Buffy the vampire slayer, was there and we chatted throughout the show. Nice guy. Ive met Georges many times before and he's always been extremely nice and welcoming. He invited me to some gathering his studio is having this weekend so I'll def. try to go.
In other news, today is my 5ive year anniversary with Ariel. Though we're only engaged, we still consider each year together as our anniversary. Special shout out to her. I LOVE YOU, little mama.
Okay, as for art, like I said in earlier blogs, taking care of Karisma (3)hree days a week, and then working the other (4)our, has def. been putting a strain on getting work finished. I can finally say though, that figuring out when and what time is available to draw is beginning to come together. I'll actually be posting a good number of new pieces through out the week. Below is a Frazetta's Dark Kingdom commission and pgs. 6 and 7 of Emery Falls. Ive got pgs. 9 and 10 completed for Bloody Olde Englund, but between work, Karisma, commissions, and trying to breathe, I havent had the time to tone them. Plus Im working on page 11, which looks amazing awesome if I do say so. Okay, enough talking. Enjoy the new pieces.