In 2 weeks it'll be the best damn show around, DRAGON*CON!!!! Not only am I grateful to be part of this amazing show, but I had to pick myself up off the ground when I saw who'll be sitting next to me. Im so excited to be next to one of my biggest influences in comics! MY booth number is TBL83... guess who's number 84... :)
****Without further ado...the final 2012 Dragon*Con Comics and Pop Art artists alley table assignments are in! Join us in Grand Hall East of the Hyatt Regency this Labor Day weekend for another star-studded event, chock-full of some of the most exciting creators on the planet! The room opens at 1PM Friday, August 31st, 2012******
Pete Abrams TBL81
Jason "Spyda" Adams TBL55
Joel Adams TBL56
Neal Adams BT20
Aspen Comics BT05
Baby Tattoo BT04
Mark Bagley TBL11
Michael Banks BT09
Joe Benitez BT05
Ryan Benjamin TBL36
Jennifer Bennett TBL40
Michael Bielaczyc TBL46
Gina Biggs TBL16
Scott Blair TBL77
Drew Blank TBL42, 43
Andy Brase TBL33
Jennie Breeden TBL17
Bob Burden TBL85
James Burns TBL18
J. Scott Campbell BT18
Kate Carleton TBL32
Eric Canete BT06
Greg Carter TBL15
Keu Cha TBL50
Mike Choi BT06
Dave Cook BT13
Coop BT04
Jeremy Dale TBL20
Peter David TBL26
Leslie Ditto BT07
Mark Dos Santos TBL72
Dragon*Con Comics and Pop Art BT22
Kevin Eastman TBL84**********************
Annie Lacy Erskine TBL24
Essential Sequential BT06
Sam Flegal TBL31
Jason Flowers TBL83***********************
Stephen Fox BT21
Matt Frank TBL60
Chandra Free TBL27
Eliza Frye TBL35
Sean "Cheeks" Galloway TBL37
Andrew E.C. Gaska TBL28
Geeky Pinups BT17
Darren Gendron BT16
Stephanie Gladden TBL07
Michael A Gordon TBL38
Daniel Gorman TBL30
Sanford Greene TBL12
Mike Groves TBL78
Daxiong Guo TBL29
Chris Hamer BT10
William Holbrook TBL54
Eva Hopkins TBL39
Anson I Hunter TBL25
Enrica Jang TBL53
Georges Jeanty TBL10
Paul Jenkins BT08
Van Jensen TBL06
Dave "The Reverend" Johnson BT06
Cassie Kelly TBL51
Rachel Keslensky TBL19
Jerry Keslensky TBL19
Tony Kordos TBL68
Alex Konat BT05
Janet Lee TBL13
Sunny Lee TBL21
Comfort Love/Adam Withers TBL47
Sarah M BT11
David Mack TBL64
Frank Mastromauro BT05
Tyson McAdoo TBL45
Jason Metcalf TBL70
Mike Miller TBL41
Jonboy Meyers TBL23
Bryan Mon TBL52
Chris Moreno TBL73
Cayce Moyer TBL59
Ted Naifeh TBL44
Dustin Nguyen TBL22
Rhiannon Owens TBL67
Jason Palmer TBL01, 02, 03
George Pérez TBL80
Andy Price TBL74
Sara Richard TBL58
Humberto Ramos BT08
Scott Rorie TBL49
Don Rosa BT01
Andy Runton TBL05
Tim Sale BT06
Stuart M Sayger TBL75
Matteo Scalera BT06
Chris Schweizer TBL63
Tony Shasteen TBL14
Bill Sienkiewicz BT02
Andy Smith TBL61
Jamie Snell TBL76
Douglas Sneyd BT03
Anthony Spay TBL48
J. David Spurlock BT02
Jim Starlin TBL08
Peter Steigerwald BT05
Brian Stelfreeze TBL04
Dirk Strangely TBL65, 66
Billy Tackett TBL79
Greg Theakston TBL62
Jason Thomas BT19
Killer Targets BT12
Jamie Wade Tyndall TBL69
Dexter Vines TBL09
HC Warner BT15
Bernie Wrightson TBL 57
Derek Yaniger BT14
Craig Yoe TBL82
Thomas Zahler TBL34
****Without further ado...the final 2012 Dragon*Con Comics and Pop Art artists alley table assignments are in! Join us in Grand Hall East of the Hyatt Regency this Labor Day weekend for another star-studded event, chock-full of some of the most exciting creators on the planet! The room opens at 1PM Friday, August 31st, 2012******
Pete Abrams TBL81
Jason "Spyda" Adams TBL55
Joel Adams TBL56
Neal Adams BT20
Aspen Comics BT05
Baby Tattoo BT04
Mark Bagley TBL11
Michael Banks BT09
Joe Benitez BT05
Ryan Benjamin TBL36
Jennifer Bennett TBL40
Michael Bielaczyc TBL46
Gina Biggs TBL16
Scott Blair TBL77
Drew Blank TBL42, 43
Andy Brase TBL33
Jennie Breeden TBL17
Bob Burden TBL85
James Burns TBL18
J. Scott Campbell BT18
Kate Carleton TBL32
Eric Canete BT06
Greg Carter TBL15
Keu Cha TBL50
Mike Choi BT06
Dave Cook BT13
Coop BT04
Jeremy Dale TBL20
Peter David TBL26
Leslie Ditto BT07
Mark Dos Santos TBL72
Dragon*Con Comics and Pop Art BT22
Kevin Eastman TBL84**********************
Annie Lacy Erskine TBL24
Essential Sequential BT06
Sam Flegal TBL31
Jason Flowers TBL83***********************
Stephen Fox BT21
Matt Frank TBL60
Chandra Free TBL27
Eliza Frye TBL35
Sean "Cheeks" Galloway TBL37
Andrew E.C. Gaska TBL28
Geeky Pinups BT17
Darren Gendron BT16
Stephanie Gladden TBL07
Michael A Gordon TBL38
Daniel Gorman TBL30
Sanford Greene TBL12
Mike Groves TBL78
Daxiong Guo TBL29
Chris Hamer BT10
William Holbrook TBL54
Eva Hopkins TBL39
Anson I Hunter TBL25
Enrica Jang TBL53
Georges Jeanty TBL10
Paul Jenkins BT08
Van Jensen TBL06
Dave "The Reverend" Johnson BT06
Cassie Kelly TBL51
Rachel Keslensky TBL19
Jerry Keslensky TBL19
Tony Kordos TBL68
Alex Konat BT05
Janet Lee TBL13
Sunny Lee TBL21
Comfort Love/Adam Withers TBL47
Sarah M BT11
David Mack TBL64
Frank Mastromauro BT05
Tyson McAdoo TBL45
Jason Metcalf TBL70
Mike Miller TBL41
Jonboy Meyers TBL23
Bryan Mon TBL52
Chris Moreno TBL73
Cayce Moyer TBL59
Ted Naifeh TBL44
Dustin Nguyen TBL22
Rhiannon Owens TBL67
Jason Palmer TBL01, 02, 03
George Pérez TBL80
Andy Price TBL74
Sara Richard TBL58
Humberto Ramos BT08
Scott Rorie TBL49
Don Rosa BT01
Andy Runton TBL05
Tim Sale BT06
Stuart M Sayger TBL75
Matteo Scalera BT06
Chris Schweizer TBL63
Tony Shasteen TBL14
Bill Sienkiewicz BT02
Andy Smith TBL61
Jamie Snell TBL76
Douglas Sneyd BT03
Anthony Spay TBL48
J. David Spurlock BT02
Jim Starlin TBL08
Peter Steigerwald BT05
Brian Stelfreeze TBL04
Dirk Strangely TBL65, 66
Billy Tackett TBL79
Greg Theakston TBL62
Jason Thomas BT19
Killer Targets BT12
Jamie Wade Tyndall TBL69
Dexter Vines TBL09
HC Warner BT15
Bernie Wrightson TBL 57
Derek Yaniger BT14
Craig Yoe TBL82
Thomas Zahler TBL34
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